Eugene Paul Bickelman was born on April 2nd, 1924 in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Being the second youngest in his family, Bickelman lived with his 5 siblings Federick, Mag, Phylis, Eleanor, and James as well as his parents John and Adda.

The son of brakeman, Bickelman enlisted into the army on May 8, 1942 at a mere 18 years old in Pennsylvania's capital of Harrisburg. He remained single and without a dependent for the rest of his life.
Bickelman went to school with his 5 siblings. In high school, he ran in South Lebanon High School's Cross Country team and ended up only completing 3 years of high school in 1941.
Bickelman's childhood home built 1826.
At the age of 15, Bickelman watched World War II commence.

Front page of London's Evening Standard newspaper on Sept. 1, 1939, announcing the German invasion of Poland.

Bickelman (15) in the 1941 Ionian Yearbook from South Lebanon High School
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